Thursday, 3 April 2008

Blame It On The Cross Stitch

Oh dear, I haven't blogged or scrapped for ages - and it's all because of a clearout last month. I found a cross stitch kit that I've been working on from time to time over the past twelve years(!!) and decided that I just had to finish it - so everything else got cast aside. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy cross stitch and have really got the bug again now.

So, at last I've finished it - 12 years worth of work - darah -----

Now I just need to decide what to do with it now it's completed.

I've also started another piece - yes I really have got the bug at the moment. As you can see below I've got a bit more work to do on this before it will be done (ten years??).


LoPeZ FaMiLy said...

It pays to complete a project, doesn't it? I love it...its so colorful!

Unknown said...

12 years? it's very pretty

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan

My best wishes for your new work and congratulations by finish the first!

I saw the comments about my work. Please can you tell to your friends ( from me, many thanks! by each words that they said about my angel balckwork and by the link.
About your questions "I wonder how long that took to do?"
I began in january, well .. if I do not have mistakes, I thinks finish on december, I hope!
Also forgive the inconvenience, but it had to convey a message to all your friends and to you.
Kind regards

Maria del Valle

Unknown said...

How wonderful. It's one of the most beautiful works I've seen. I like it very much.